Semalam tiba-tiba dapat text dr org yg tak dikenali.
Mula2 excited sebab let's face it, aku jarang2 dpt text. mwahah. Bile bukak die cakap he's an acquaintance of my colleague dan die nak kenal dengan aku. i was like half "ok lah. nak kawan je kan. no harm in it kan?" and half "kesian plak." sbab aku mmg jenis yg x layan org sgt. kecuali kalau aku betul2 minat lah. prinsip aku, kalo x suke buat ape nak layan lebih2 dan bg harapan kan. if he gets it, he'll, the colleague is a good friend and helper (even tho die pandai2 je kasi nombor aku kt stranger. huhuh)
So he was quite normal at 1st, then sampai this part:
Derp : Nak tgk gmbr awak boleh? send la mms...
Aku : er...perlu ke?
Derp : xde lah...saya ikhlas nak kenal dengan awak..terpulangla (giler ayat oxymoron)
Aku : kalau nak tgk add fb je lah.
Derp: sy xde fb...tak boleh ke nak tgk gmbr awk? sy dah send gmbr sy kt kawan sy tu utk awk
i was like D:< at this point of time. aku tak nak kasi jugak. tp lepas tu eh ade pulak fb. dah add tu boleh pulak die tny:
Derp : Saya nak download semua gmbr awak boleh?
waaaattttt? ko nak buat apa derp? mandrem?
pastu aku malas nak layan lebih2.
Derp: awk tak on9..?
Derp: sy tgh try nak upload pic sy..tak dpt..
Derp: dah tido ke?
Derp: nyte..
Derp: morning..
Derp: awk....tak balas pon msg sy..knp? sy ada buat salah ke?

Aku pon salah sbb layan mamat ni. ptt tros terang je ckp "bf saya askar.tinggi ade la dlm 6 kaki camtu kot." ok. itu pun tak bercakap benar =.="
just tell the guy the truth la, don't beat around the bush senang ceta.
to derp, sorry. next time try to refrain yourself from looking desperate. and asking to keep pictures of the girl is not the right way to compliment her. like seriously. don't. it's creepy like, really really creepy.
well at least to me.
hahaha.. saiko sgt tu.. aku penah wei.. ttbe kate dapat nombo drp member. tapi x nk gtau sape.. aku mls nk layan sgt. pastu siap mintak gamba.. whaaatt..? x logik la, at least g la stalk fb member tu. haha.
ReplyDeletewow. trah ade peminat :P