i'm sorry in advance.

to whoever my heart belongs to in the future,
well..first off, thanks for being crazy enough to actually love me.
i'm sorry in advance for thinking about this guy before you so much.
once you come into my life, i'll forget everything about him.
but untill then, i have to have someone to remind me of you.
someone to teach me how we would be finding wrong people to find the right one.
cheers. to future.
main masak-masak
to those who really know me, drng tau la aku ni mmg x pandai masak. mwahah. sbb mak and adik aku pandai masak, maka aku pon mcm x nak la meng"crowded"kan dapor kan..too much cooks spoil the broth katenye.. (matilarr xde spe nak amek aku jadi bini nih)
so...bile aku tepun mak aku ckp aku nk masuk pertandingan masak memasak kat ofis, mak aku sure la gelak kan.. =.=
seperti pertandingan dragon boat, marathon dan keje2 giler yg lain, aku masuk sbb sekadar nak cukupkan kuota.
there were 5 of us, and the menu musti ade nasik, lauk, salad, sup and air.
aku dgn pantas volunteer nak potong sayur, garnish and buat air. mwahahaha.
tema dier healthy cooking. so kitorang piki memule nak masak ikan stim. turned out di hari pertandingan, stim xde. huk2. so tukar nak goreng ikan. giler tak healthy! haha
derang bagi masa 1 jam 30 minit. but seryes rasa cepat giler. tup2 host cakap lagi 20 minit (feeling2 masterchef siot.lol)
setelah berterbangan semua pinggan mangkuk dan kuali, inilah hasilnya..
nasik halia dengan mixed vege, ikan goreng masam manis, sup avocado ayam (yg ni kitorang google kat tenet uols),salad udang ,and last but certainly not least..teh o ais serai pandan~ (dem baru perasan aku tak ambek gmbr air. cis)
garnish giler childish kan? huahah. memang nampak bebenor orang bujang yg masak :P
nama yg konon2 kretip la ambek dr lagu p ramlee...sape lg kasik nama kalau bukan aku..kate munsyi kan..haha
pastu tgk grup lain punye dish..mak aih mantap baq ang..

yang ni tema japanese food..sup dier seryes :L

group ni menang 2nd place uols

haaa ni menang 1st place...supervisor aku. memang tgk pon dah terliur kan..
kitorang? hahah. time food evaluation, judges komen masakan kitorang rasa seraii je dr nasik bawak ke air. nampak sgt x reti integrate. then he asked "selalu masak tak ni?" and there was this long, awkward pause. hahaha. but dier puji ikan kitorang woot~ and orang ramai yg rasa makanan kt meja kitorang puji nasi halia and air aku (x kire nak masukkan jugak. haha)
valuable, new experience i must say. need to improve my cooking skills in the future. therefore if you noticed..

yg part invent new recipe mmg x bole blah. haha
so...bile aku tepun mak aku ckp aku nk masuk pertandingan masak memasak kat ofis, mak aku sure la gelak kan.. =.=
seperti pertandingan dragon boat, marathon dan keje2 giler yg lain, aku masuk sbb sekadar nak cukupkan kuota.
there were 5 of us, and the menu musti ade nasik, lauk, salad, sup and air.
aku dgn pantas volunteer nak potong sayur, garnish and buat air. mwahahaha.
tema dier healthy cooking. so kitorang piki memule nak masak ikan stim. turned out di hari pertandingan, stim xde. huk2. so tukar nak goreng ikan. giler tak healthy! haha
derang bagi masa 1 jam 30 minit. but seryes rasa cepat giler. tup2 host cakap lagi 20 minit (feeling2 masterchef siot.lol)
setelah berterbangan semua pinggan mangkuk dan kuali, inilah hasilnya..

pastu tgk grup lain punye dish..mak aih mantap baq ang..

yang ni tema japanese food..sup dier seryes :L

group ni menang 2nd place uols

haaa ni menang 1st place...supervisor aku. memang tgk pon dah terliur kan..
kitorang? hahah. time food evaluation, judges komen masakan kitorang rasa seraii je dr nasik bawak ke air. nampak sgt x reti integrate. then he asked "selalu masak tak ni?" and there was this long, awkward pause. hahaha. but dier puji ikan kitorang woot~ and orang ramai yg rasa makanan kt meja kitorang puji nasi halia and air aku (x kire nak masukkan jugak. haha)
valuable, new experience i must say. need to improve my cooking skills in the future. therefore if you noticed..

yg part invent new recipe mmg x bole blah. haha
modern fairytales.

i was thinking..
..what if the fairytales were written on the 21st century?
..what if the fairytales were written on the 21st century?
1. Cinderella would be looking at her Swatch watch that shows 12 o'clock and instead of running away from the ball leaving her glass shoe..says
"heck..it's still early."
2. Hansel and Gretel would call 911 for the police or tweet their father instead of leaving breadcrumbs to go back home.
3. Rapunzel would get tired of her loooooong hair and decided to do cornrows. and color it pink since Katy Perry did it in recent music award.
4. Snow White wouldn't want to eat the apple that the witch give to her. After all, she got the new Apple iPhone 4s.
5. The princess in The Princess and the Pea would just get a massive king sized bed and ditch the old mattresses
6. It would be harder for the Queen to guess the name of Rumpelstiltskin since people now like to give strange names to their poor kids..for example....

...and yeah. that's his real name. lol.
7. Sleeping beauty....well...here's what I don't get about Sleeping Beauty. How does she stay hot and clean after all those years? I mean...wouldn't she be smelly and hairy like other normal people do when they sleep so long?
fesyen tudung.
Aku dah bosan dengan tudung bawal. Been using bawal since forever.
But the thing is, I don't think my face suits any other tudung other than bawal.
Because of my jaw and *ahemchubby* cheeks, aku rse syria is a total no-no.
Sure muke aku nmpk lagi tembam >.<
Kalo tudung ade ade awning tu mmg mudah giler...sarung je siapp. tapi mcm mak cik lah pulak..
Tudung hana tajima? ishh mcm susah bebenor je nak memakainyer.plus camne nak mentem pkai camtu ek? x rse cam serabut ke lame2? honest question.

Shawl lilit2 pun aku penah terai. tp mak aih terbelit jahh. aku ni mmg pantang tudung lilit2 kat leher. goli den. lagi satu kalo pagi2 ni aku maleh bebenor nak melilit-lilit nih. lilit kalo x kena kne bukak balik. aku lg rela iron tudung drpd melilit 2 3 pat kali. huhuh.
so, korang ade idea x tudung ape yg agak2 best?
mcm ni pegi pejabat or pegi pasar agak2 ok x?


Because of my jaw and *ahemchubby* cheeks, aku rse syria is a total no-no.
Sure muke aku nmpk lagi tembam >.<
Kalo tudung ade ade awning tu mmg mudah giler...sarung je siapp. tapi mcm mak cik lah pulak..
Tudung hana tajima? ishh mcm susah bebenor je nak memakainyer.plus camne nak mentem pkai camtu ek? x rse cam serabut ke lame2? honest question.

Shawl lilit2 pun aku penah terai. tp mak aih terbelit jahh. aku ni mmg pantang tudung lilit2 kat leher. goli den. lagi satu kalo pagi2 ni aku maleh bebenor nak melilit-lilit nih. lilit kalo x kena kne bukak balik. aku lg rela iron tudung drpd melilit 2 3 pat kali. huhuh.
so, korang ade idea x tudung ape yg agak2 best?
mcm ni pegi pejabat or pegi pasar agak2 ok x?

creepy guy is creepy
Ok I should tell you up front yg ak crite ni bukan utk mengaibkan mana2 pihak or nak berlagak aku ni chanteknakmampospadahalmukekampungje. Its just a story that if you find a lesson learnt in it, it's good enough.
Semalam tiba-tiba dapat text dr org yg tak dikenali.
Mula2 excited sebab let's face it, aku jarang2 dpt text. mwahah. Bile bukak die cakap he's an acquaintance of my colleague dan die nak kenal dengan aku. i was like half "ok lah. nak kawan je kan. no harm in it kan?" and half "kesian plak." sbab aku mmg jenis yg x layan org sgt. kecuali kalau aku betul2 minat lah. prinsip aku, kalo x suke buat ape nak layan lebih2 dan bg harapan kan. if he gets it, he'll leave.plus, the colleague is a good friend and helper (even tho die pandai2 je kasi nombor aku kt stranger. huhuh)
So he was quite normal at 1st, then sampai this part:
Derp : Nak tgk gmbr awak boleh? send la mms...
Aku : er...perlu ke?
Derp : xde lah...saya ikhlas nak kenal dengan awak..terpulangla (giler ayat oxymoron)
Aku : kalau nak tgk add fb je lah.
Derp: sy xde fb...tak boleh ke nak tgk gmbr awk? sy dah send gmbr sy kt kawan sy tu utk awk
i was like D:< at this point of time. aku tak nak kasi jugak. tp lepas tu eh ade pulak fb. dah add tu boleh pulak die tny:
Derp : Saya nak download semua gmbr awak boleh?
waaaattttt? ko nak buat apa derp? mandrem?
pastu aku malas nak layan lebih2.
Derp: awk tak on9..?
Derp: sy tgh try nak upload pic sy..tak dpt..
Derp: dah tido ke?
Derp: nyte..
Derp: morning..
Derp: awk....tak balas pon msg sy..knp? sy ada buat salah ke?

Aku pon salah sbb layan mamat ni. ptt tros terang je ckp "bf saya askar.tinggi ade la dlm 6 kaki camtu kot." ok. itu pun tak bercakap benar =.="
just tell the guy the truth la, don't beat around the bush senang ceta.
to derp, sorry. next time try to refrain yourself from looking desperate. and asking to keep pictures of the girl is not the right way to compliment her. like seriously. don't. it's creepy like, really really creepy.
well at least to me.
Semalam tiba-tiba dapat text dr org yg tak dikenali.
Mula2 excited sebab let's face it, aku jarang2 dpt text. mwahah. Bile bukak die cakap he's an acquaintance of my colleague dan die nak kenal dengan aku. i was like half "ok lah. nak kawan je kan. no harm in it kan?" and half "kesian plak." sbab aku mmg jenis yg x layan org sgt. kecuali kalau aku betul2 minat lah. prinsip aku, kalo x suke buat ape nak layan lebih2 dan bg harapan kan. if he gets it, he'll leave.plus, the colleague is a good friend and helper (even tho die pandai2 je kasi nombor aku kt stranger. huhuh)
So he was quite normal at 1st, then sampai this part:
Derp : Nak tgk gmbr awak boleh? send la mms...
Aku : er...perlu ke?
Derp : xde lah...saya ikhlas nak kenal dengan awak..terpulangla (giler ayat oxymoron)
Aku : kalau nak tgk add fb je lah.
Derp: sy xde fb...tak boleh ke nak tgk gmbr awk? sy dah send gmbr sy kt kawan sy tu utk awk
i was like D:< at this point of time. aku tak nak kasi jugak. tp lepas tu eh ade pulak fb. dah add tu boleh pulak die tny:
Derp : Saya nak download semua gmbr awak boleh?
waaaattttt? ko nak buat apa derp? mandrem?
pastu aku malas nak layan lebih2.
Derp: awk tak on9..?
Derp: sy tgh try nak upload pic sy..tak dpt..
Derp: dah tido ke?
Derp: nyte..
Derp: morning..
Derp: awk....tak balas pon msg sy..knp? sy ada buat salah ke?

Aku pon salah sbb layan mamat ni. ptt tros terang je ckp "bf saya askar.tinggi ade la dlm 6 kaki camtu kot." ok. itu pun tak bercakap benar =.="
just tell the guy the truth la, don't beat around the bush senang ceta.
to derp, sorry. next time try to refrain yourself from looking desperate. and asking to keep pictures of the girl is not the right way to compliment her. like seriously. don't. it's creepy like, really really creepy.
well at least to me.
review : ronasutra mineral makeup
Hey hey.
Hari ni aku nak kongsi dengan korang satu produk yg telah accidentally tolong aku memupuskan masalah muka berminyak.
Kalau nak tau muka aku ni mmg tahap boleh bukak kilang minyak. masuk tengah hari je sure melekit n oily.
segala jenis foundation, compact, 2-way mahupun 3-way cake yang bertulis "oil control" akan aku terai. Dari Silkygirl bawak ke Maybelline hatta M.A.C sekalipun x mampu nak melawan kemaharajalelaan molekul2 minyak di muka aku.Tengah hari je sure tacap. Kalau tak mmg silau mata org awam dek kerana pantulan sinaran "nur" di wajah.
suatu hari adik aku kasi bedak ronasutra ni. mula2 ambek je pasal barang free, sape tak ndak kan. pakai x pakai blakang kire. lagipun aku cam skeptical sket brng2 mekap yg x penah dengar ni. pastu sebab mekap aku kebetulan habis, terai je la. stat tu aku mula perasan minyak cam dah kurang. amazing race! tgh hari dah x perlu tacap lagi :D
Kol 12.30 tgh hari di opis. still x shiny baybehh~ new record~
Cara nak pakai benda ni senang jerk.
Mulakan dengan wajah suci bersih lagi tulus seperti ini:

Kemudian sapukan moisturizer. Yup, even oily skin needs a moisturizer. aku pakai Simple Oil Balancing Moisturizer. moisturizer ni gunanya untuk "tipu" kulit korang..bila pakai ni kulit akan rasa macam dah cukup moisture, so dia takde la nak meminyakkan lagi kulit. er..korang paham tak ayat belit-beli aku? haha

And then tempek la ikut suka hati korang kan. aku pakai 01- cream peach sbb adik aku beli kaler ni. tp cam ok je ngan kulit muka aku *perasanputih* kalau nak ala2 natural beauty gitew tempek sekadar perlu; kalau nak pegi dinner or nak berlakon cite anak pontianak, tempek la sampai habes satu botol tu.

Tadahh~ siapp. senang kan?

Pose gedik seperti ini adalah tidak perlu diikuti. cukup sekadar buat step 1 and 2 sahaja.
All in all, aku rase ronasutra ni mengatasi MAC Lightful yang promoter mac promot sampai berbuih-buih mulut tapi yilekkk. buang duit aku je.
- Menutup cela sekadar perlu
- Takde bahan kimia merbahaya. kot. tu dier cakap.
- UV proctection. tak cakap pulak SPF berape kan. pegi tny sendiri lah.
- Best off all, oil control!!
- Messy. Sebab texture dier mcm bedak tu so berterabur la jugak. Membazir lagi satu.
- Medium coverage. Bagi yang nak full coverage ala2 rozita che wan kne pkai foundation/bb cream dulu lah.
- Agak pricey. RM48 kalau beli kat internet http://ronasutra.com/
But what the heck kalau berkesan kan. it's worth every penny :)
Patut org ronasutra kasi aku imbuhan sket nih. tak pun jadikan spokesperson tros. x payah susah2 nak pikir marketing plan sebab aku dah siap buat poster pun ha..

diana danielle pon tak leh celen ni. dier setakat snow white je. ni dah mcm siti tanjong perak :D

Hari ni aku nak kongsi dengan korang satu produk yg telah accidentally tolong aku memupuskan masalah muka berminyak.
Kalau nak tau muka aku ni mmg tahap boleh bukak kilang minyak. masuk tengah hari je sure melekit n oily.
segala jenis foundation, compact, 2-way mahupun 3-way cake yang bertulis "oil control" akan aku terai. Dari Silkygirl bawak ke Maybelline hatta M.A.C sekalipun x mampu nak melawan kemaharajalelaan molekul2 minyak di muka aku.Tengah hari je sure tacap. Kalau tak mmg silau mata org awam dek kerana pantulan sinaran "nur" di wajah.
suatu hari adik aku kasi bedak ronasutra ni. mula2 ambek je pasal barang free, sape tak ndak kan. pakai x pakai blakang kire. lagipun aku cam skeptical sket brng2 mekap yg x penah dengar ni. pastu sebab mekap aku kebetulan habis, terai je la. stat tu aku mula perasan minyak cam dah kurang. amazing race! tgh hari dah x perlu tacap lagi :D

Cara nak pakai benda ni senang jerk.
Mulakan dengan wajah suci bersih lagi tulus seperti ini:

Kemudian sapukan moisturizer. Yup, even oily skin needs a moisturizer. aku pakai Simple Oil Balancing Moisturizer. moisturizer ni gunanya untuk "tipu" kulit korang..bila pakai ni kulit akan rasa macam dah cukup moisture, so dia takde la nak meminyakkan lagi kulit. er..korang paham tak ayat belit-beli aku? haha

And then tempek la ikut suka hati korang kan. aku pakai 01- cream peach sbb adik aku beli kaler ni. tp cam ok je ngan kulit muka aku *perasanputih* kalau nak ala2 natural beauty gitew tempek sekadar perlu; kalau nak pegi dinner or nak berlakon cite anak pontianak, tempek la sampai habes satu botol tu.

Tadahh~ siapp. senang kan?

Pose gedik seperti ini adalah tidak perlu diikuti. cukup sekadar buat step 1 and 2 sahaja.
All in all, aku rase ronasutra ni mengatasi MAC Lightful yang promoter mac promot sampai berbuih-buih mulut tapi yilekkk. buang duit aku je.
- Menutup cela sekadar perlu
- Takde bahan kimia merbahaya. kot. tu dier cakap.
- UV proctection. tak cakap pulak SPF berape kan. pegi tny sendiri lah.
- Best off all, oil control!!
- Messy. Sebab texture dier mcm bedak tu so berterabur la jugak. Membazir lagi satu.
- Medium coverage. Bagi yang nak full coverage ala2 rozita che wan kne pkai foundation/bb cream dulu lah.
- Agak pricey. RM48 kalau beli kat internet http://ronasutra.com/
But what the heck kalau berkesan kan. it's worth every penny :)
Patut org ronasutra kasi aku imbuhan sket nih. tak pun jadikan spokesperson tros. x payah susah2 nak pikir marketing plan sebab aku dah siap buat poster pun ha..

diana danielle pon tak leh celen ni. dier setakat snow white je. ni dah mcm siti tanjong perak :D

lima pembohongan di 2011.
1. Bila boss baru tanya, "ok tak keje kat sini?" dan aku angguk-angguk sambil cakap "boleh lah.."
2. Bila orang kampung tanya, "best tak duduk Sabah?", pun aku angguk-angguk jugak dan cakap "boleh lah.."
3. Bila orang tanya time keje "watpe?" and aku cakap "keje lah." walhal kadang2 berfacebook, twitter, 9gag, etc. (ahem. sori boss)
4. Bila kaunselor kerjaya tanya "bila nak start working on your dream of entering corporate affairs world?", dan aku cakap "sebelum tahun baru 2012..i'll talk to my boss!"
5. Bila aku cakap aku dah lupakan dia (yang ni seryes rasa nak hantuk kepala di dinding. mcm dah xde laki lain dlm donia. pfft. )
Such a pessimistic way of entering the so called new beginning. lol
Happy New Year 2012.
Hopefully taun ni kurang sikit pembohongan :)
2. Bila orang kampung tanya, "best tak duduk Sabah?", pun aku angguk-angguk jugak dan cakap "boleh lah.."
3. Bila orang tanya time keje "watpe?" and aku cakap "keje lah." walhal kadang2 berfacebook, twitter, 9gag, etc. (ahem. sori boss)
4. Bila kaunselor kerjaya tanya "bila nak start working on your dream of entering corporate affairs world?", dan aku cakap "sebelum tahun baru 2012..i'll talk to my boss!"
5. Bila aku cakap aku dah lupakan dia (yang ni seryes rasa nak hantuk kepala di dinding. mcm dah xde laki lain dlm donia. pfft. )
Such a pessimistic way of entering the so called new beginning. lol
Happy New Year 2012.
Hopefully taun ni kurang sikit pembohongan :)
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