ok sudah-sudah la cite pasal ketidakseimbangan emosi. buat sakit jiwa raga je. mari membuat review la pulak.
The Grotesque by Natsuo Kirino

aku beli novel ni sebab writer dier org jepon. buleh gitu? xD bukan senang nak jumpa novelis jepon weyh; tambah-tambah pompuan dan specialized in mystery novels. ekceli buku2 dier ada berlambak; tapi yg ditranslate setakat ni ada 5; grotesque is the 3rd one.
Ceritera bermula ngan misteri 2 org prostitutes yang mati; kemungkinan besar saspek adalah org yg sama. even tho pembunuh tu konon2 dah ditangkap; people still talk about the murder. why? the two prostitutes came from the same elite high school; but both are very different in their characteristics. Si A lawa giler; tapi berperangai x bape nak elok. Si B pulak bijak; tapi x secantik menarik tertarik mcm si A. But then, what makes them similar is their fate. How did girls with the brightest future, ended up dying shamefully on the dark streets of Tokyo? Jeng3~ baca sendiri. aku review je. bukan wat sinopsis. huah3.
Kirino is the kind of novelist that makes us craving for more; because she reveal the mystery bit by bit; while playing around with our emotions of hatred, joy, resentment and pity. Even though the flow of the story is complicated, it's not confusing. That's what makes her novel special.
Ending dier cam akdjwgudpdsa gak r. rasa nak campak buku bawah blok v5 pun ada. but all in all, it was a good read.
p/s: ade org kesah ke pasal review aku neh? cam merepek-repek je :P
hahahha...takde la merepek sgt...huhhuhuhu~
ReplyDeletekau patut baca 'Mikhail' karya RAM.
ReplyDeleteaku ada, mau pinjam? :)
peah: hehehe..naseb bek :P
ReplyDeletematpi: oo..aku penah baca sinopsis. cambest gak r.nnt bebila ko pass r.hehe