B: What is your beauty routine?
Cleanser -> ubat jerawat XD and once a week,mask.
C: What was the last item of clothing (for yourself) that you purchased?
Sweater comel belang2 hitam dan putih. And i larve it! \:D/
D: Do you use a dresser, closet, or both?
Saya menggunakan lemari yg dibagi pihak penaja. tima kasih
E: What type of earrings are in your ears right now?
Er....x penah la plak pkai subang. nnt la aku terai subang kepit :)
F: What type of figure do you have?
Em..ntah la. slim la kot.
G: Do you wear glasses?
Yup. and contacts.
H: What type of handbag do you carry?
Beg merah yg besaaar~ buleh masuk semua dlm tuh~ time kasih Sg. Wang :3
I: What is your ideal style?
Casual, easy-going. Jeans are vital~ But I also like dresses from 1950s collection, especially black and red ones <3>
J: What jewelry are you wearing right now?
Nothing. Tapi slalu pkai bracelet je.
K: Do you wear knee-hi stockings?
Tidak2. Rasa tidak selesa kalu pakai D:
L: Do you *have* to wear matching lingerie?
M: Do you wear makeup?
Yup. Base -> foundation -> lip balm. Sometimes eyeliner or blusher.
N: Do you wear nightgowns?
Nope. Too silky.
O: What outerwear do you put on when going out on a typical winters day?
Oh malang sekali. Di Malaysia nggak ada salji dong~
P: What is your favorite perfume?
Currently wearing emanuel ungaro's apparition. maybe i'll get chanel's coco mademoseille next :)
Q: Is your motto "quality over quantity" when it comes to clothing and accessories?
Itu sudah semestinya~ Tapi best gak kalu dapat beli baju lawa banyak2! and murah2! :D
R: Do you wear rain boots?
Er. yg macam Phua Chu Kang tu ke? tidak~
S: Do you wear socks or slippers when your feet get cold?
T: Do you have a set of travel luggage?
Ade satu beg besar gila babeng. Buleh isi org dalam tu lol XD
U: What is your daily uniform?
Er. jeans + t-shirt or kurung / kebaya :P
V: If you are married, did you wear a veil with your wedding dress? If not, how did you do your hair?
Pakai2. nak veil panjang gilo2,sampai masuk guinnes record. haha.
W: Do you wear a watch?
aku xde jam. Jam Sg. Wang aritu pkai sekali tros rosak D:
X: What item of clothing always makes you feel extremely beautiful?
Red dresses. Kebaya nyonya. yukata. <- suma item di sini blom dimiliki oleh saya. haha.
Y: What is your favorite type of yarn?
Z: Do you prefer zippers or buttons?
Buttons are timeless, but zipper saves time and looks clean. Both are great :)
* just finished watching project runway and i am dangerously in love with this dress :

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