Since I'm one of the avid online shoppers (sometimes I bought 2-3 items per month :P) So I'd like to share with you all some useful tips for first timers :)
1. Buy from trusted online websites (eg: lowyat, ebay, mudah.com, etc.)
It's safer from blogs, since there are moderators to keep track on swindlers.
2. Make sure that you check previous posts/personal details of seller; to ensure that the person is real!
There are some cases that people use fake blogshops/posts to earn money, so beware!
3. Google the item to check for other options.
There are sellers who tend to set the price sky high; so better do some research before buying.
4. Ask the seller.
Don't immediately place your order. Ask them about the item first (eg: the material, length, even how to wash the clothes later ;p) Don't worry about them thinking that you're a fussy buyer, it's your money after all =)
5. Ask the previous buyers.
For websites like ebay or lowyat, check the successful tradelist. If you're still uncertain about the seller's services or the items they sell; why don't you ask the opinions of his previous buyers?
6. Don't buy if you have doubts.
Even after talking to the seller and ask them few questions, you still have doubts about the item. In that case, don't buy. Online shopping is not like mall shopping. Most of the time, they don't have 'money back guarantee' policy.
7. Check out online discussion forum/blog
By visiting blogs like Slap Me Why Don't You, you'll know the realities of online shopping. Plus, you get to gossip around and laugh at some of the funny stories inside :P
I think that's all. happy E-shopping! \:D/
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