Pertama kali I pergi u ols...teruja gitew..ahaks..
Quite a nice place I must say..but so mahal lah! Boleh kira ngan jari kedai2 yg boleh masuk (nose,bata, court..haha) yg len tgk kat luar je....huhu anyway, since Pavi's celebrating its anniversary, the decoration there is superb~! Some of the decorations :

Ok~ back to the story..pas pusing2 beberapa ketika di dalam Pavi (aish~ nape la org ske wat mall besor2..wat kecik2 sket kan senang nak cari kedai)
Pas jumpa Clinique, lama gak aku di'lecture' oleh org Clinique.
"Your pores are clogged! Shud use make-up remover properly~"
"Use sun-block or else you'll see the damage when u get older~"
"Use foundation so that the dirt will trapped on the foundae, not on your skin"
ye, baiklah. (-__-")
Then there are r lyke hundreds of products yang derang rekemen..but since I only got rm30 voucher, ended up buying their pore minimizer mask ^^
makeup remover -> cleanser -> mask -> makeup!
The steps I went through before the makeover~ Letih gak r tunggu situ lelame..dah r pkai mask depan2 org ramai tu kan..putih melepak macam geisha pencen aku kat tengah2 tu huhuhuhu.. Makeover time is finally here~! :D
But kudos to Lana yang berjaya mintak kebenaran utk bergambar di Acca Kappa~ haha mantop~

[But kudos to Lana yang berjaya mintak kebenaran utk bergambar di Acca Kappa~ haha mantop~]----> well...LANA dong
ReplyDelete[bile masuk Parkson nak tangkap gambar,tp kne marah wuwuwu~]----> sbb i was not there... kalo ak ade kt situ.. sure2 pak guard tu x marah.. siap tlg tangkapkan gamba pn ade... hahah
Aippppp!!!!!!! hemmm awk nie umr 21 ekkkk
ReplyDeletemuka lmpakk cam umur 50 jee.... hahahahaah
lawak ja ekkkk
tp muka awk tomellll!!!!
Sy mlawak jaaa...
ReplyDeleteala2.... awk nie sensetif sngat ekkk
jngan marah laa ekkk!!!!!!!
to lana : lerh...perahsan la plak dier -__-"
ReplyDeleteto practiekal : xde..x marah pon..sbb ckp comel tak jd r nak marah. lol XD