1. Single people are HOT.
Rihanna. Anne Hathaway. JLO. full stop. well ok x full stop lagi aku blom abeh cakap. this is 21st century la..bukan zaman2 sume org gelabah bile 16 tahun blom kawin. therefore, byk je org2 yg hot tp single because they are stable financially and emotionally. (ahem aku x ckp aku hot ye. org2 lain la seperti ar...em...hanis zalikha! hot oh..)
2. Single people can FLIRT.
Jika orang dah kapel ditangkap sedang flirt dengan orang lain, maka..
Orang2 single flirt? Apa ada hal~
3. Single people are FREE.
Bukan percuma =.= Free to make choices. Kalo ade yg dapat pasangan king/queen control, jangankan baju yg ko pakai, perisa eskrem pon kalo boleh dier nak tolong pilihkan. We on the other hand, can just decide where/when/how/why we wanna do things without asking/worrying on other's opinion.4. Single people are emotionally more STABLE.
"Gadoh la...mane lalu makan.."
"Ooooo...." *om nom nom nom nom*
Contoh situasi yang memaksa golongan kapel berfikiran lebih serabut berbanding org single. bile dah ade balak/awek,hati org tu mau kena jaga. So fikiran pon mau kena lebih kritis. org single pike pasal diri sendiri dah cukop~
5. Single people can be SELFISH.
Couple: Your money is my money. My money is your money, No. Scratch that. My money is my money!
Single: MY money is MY money. hands off!

No harm intended. Aku buat post ni bkn sbb nak kutuk org yg dah kapel. It's great that you've found someone in your life, we're happy for you. Aku just nk tekankan di sini yang WE SINGLE PEOPLE ARE HAPPY WITH OUR AWESOMENESS TOO TQVM.
hoi hoi, ni entry mcm d ade unsur emo. bulan merah nk dtg da eh? =P
ReplyDeletehahahahaha setujuuuuuuu!! i like~ :D