Second, if you're looking for full action disaster type movie like 2012 etc etc, you're not gonna get it from this movie. surprisingly, the movie focuses more on the kids and their life.
Movie ni bermula dengan watak budak utama,joe yg kehilangan mak sebab mak die meninggal mse keje kt kilang. Sejak tu dia akan bawak his mom's necklace ke mana-mana. Dalam group budak ni ada lg 4 org yg hobi derang buat filem (cool~ tiba2 rasa nak buat gak satu kelab filem. lol) n they're currently working on this zombi movie (sumpah klaka. x takut langsung zombi tuh. haha) after recruiting a girl in their group, derang shoot satu scene kat stesen ketapi dengan ketapi tgh bergerak sbb 'the director' ckp, drng nk 'production value'. bad decision..ketapi tu terlanggar satu truck n eksiden giler2 teruk punye. kalo aku jadi budak2 tu sure seminggu ak x kuar umah do. Turned out ketapi tu milik military, and derang pon kutip2 la balik apa yg patut (kiub2 puith yg pelik) bapak joe ni deputy sheriff, n dier cam was2 apsal tentera2 ni lain mcm plak gaya x nak reveal pebende dlm train tuh. tmbh2 plak lepas eksiden,brng2 letrik penduduk asyik hilang, n anjing sume lari from tht town. dalam pada itu, bdk2 ni boleh pulak la pegi smbg shoot drama kt tmpt crash n mse military tgh kumpul brng. slambe lembu je. haha. lepas dah lama2 tuh, org plak hilang. termasuk bdk pompuan aka heroin tuh. sbb joe ni syok kt heroin, dier pon pigi la carik jwpn. last2 dpt tau from head scientist yg "benda" tu ialah alien huduh (ye la xkan alien lawa plak) yg nak balik ke planet dier, tp military ni bangang gi sorok brng2 nak bina kapal dier. so dier pon ngamuk la bile dah terlepas mse crash aritu. lepas dah tau, drng gi tmpt dier buat kapal guna brng2 letrik which is bawah tanah. and scene yg ak rse paling best dlm muvi ni mse dead end, alien ni angkat n nak bunuh dah joe tuh, tp pastu dier ckp "i know that bad things happen. bad things happen; but you can still live.", referring to what he had gone through with his mom's death. alien tu yg memahami tros letak balik joe. last2, alien tu berjaya buat balik kapal dier ngn kiub2 dr train crash n brng2 letrik. n joe's necklace. the scene where he let go of the necklace pun touching gak. as if dier dah boleh accept after all this while. sobs :')
p/s: best n klaka giler short movie pasal zombie yg bdk2 tuh wat. kalo korang tros blah lepas cite abes mmg rugi ah. haha.
ak rse ak byk ketawa tym tgk short muvi after super 8 tu abes. sengal gile..haha
ReplyDeletesengal nak mampos kan! part zombie paling bangang. hahaha