Ok. aku nak mengaku la...mula-mula aku nak tgk gela cita ni sebab orang dok gebang kuat bahawa ni filem paling mahal taun ni....pastu tgk trailer macam "meh...sepertinya x best..."; lepas tu pike2 Stephen Rahman Hughes plak blakon...aish2....tuka fikiran....mana buleh jadi x tgk Tuah kan...apekah..ko pegi tgk wayang semata-mata nk tgk hero..sungguh buta seni. makanya pegi la jugak....
Tapi aku x letak harapan tinggi sgt...sbb trailer mcm x masyuk je...tapi wo...best la plak..... the 1st malay epic yg menjadi la..i love PGL, but the movie has sorta "thicker" plot..senang crita storyline mcm berbelit sket...so does the script i must say..but HMM ni is more straight forward. therefore, org senang nak relate dan paham. which is why maybe PGL does not really capture the heart of Malaysian as the way HMM does. We're talking about making movies about ancient history that most ppl, kalau baca dalam buku..akan tertido-tido...so jalan cerita yang simple mcm dlm HMM adalah tepat.
The script is pretty good too...sebab derang byk guna ayat-ayat pantun...so it sounds so beautiful to my ears..and the jokes; klaka yg mmg kena dgn situasi..haha (credit to nell ng.such a cute character) And Khir Rahman mmg terbaik lah...watak jahat yg sgt cool..the lead actors are mostly established ones...so xde la yg nampak kayu dan kuyu mcm kebanyakan actors dlm filem Melayu..owh it rythmes!
But of course la ade gak sana-sini kelemahan..the obvious one is the graphic la..some of the graphics aren't even necessary..mcm masa kamawas mati tu...sort of x perlu je nak buat graphic darah kan..dan seperti kartun la plak ade graphic tunjuk efek patah tangan..hehe..even the subtitles aku nmpk ada salah2 sket ("used" jd "us",etc) and some scenes nmpk x logik (eg:merong naik menara kayu..lepas tu kena attack..the gerudans nak jatuhkan menara tuh; tapi alih2 drng plak yg lebih2 terbongkang..haha) satu lagi pasal extras..ade yg nmpk kayu-kayuan...and the wigs! please3...Malay movies...use hair extension in the future..pretty please? :P
But for KRU Productions, congrats for bringing us this great movie..aku pun dah lupa dah pasal Hikayat ni..almaklumlah blajaq masa skolah dolu2..hehe...it's good that they choose to make historical movie rather than sci-fi or anything like that so that generasi muda xde la lupa sgt psl sejarah Melayu (but it's loosely based,meaning that it's not 100% correct..so sila rujuk buku sejarah anda yg sudah berhabuk itu..:P)
p/s: rasa cam nak sepak je org depan aku masa nengok cite nih. asal Datuk Rahim Razali cakap je dia gelak...apekah??
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